The election for student government (ASSC) has begun!
Important Dates for Fall Elections
09/02/22 – 09/12/22 | Declaration of Candidacy Period |
09/12/22 | Last day to Declare Candidacy Candidate Document Submission Deadline |
09/14/22 9:00am | Select Interim Committee Approval of Candidates Create and approve election ballots |
09/14/22 3:30pm | Mandatory Pre-Election Candidates Meeting (All Candidates) via zoom ID# 321 536 4386 Candidates may create campaign statements/flyers to be posted on SCC website/Canvas All content must be approved by the ASSC Advisor |
09/20/22 | First Mandatory Candidates Assembly via Zoom from 9-11 AM ID# 321 536 4386 |
09/21/22 | Second Mandatory Candidates Assembly via Zoom from 11 AM-1 PM ID# 321 536 4386 |
09/26/22 – 09/29/22 | Election Week (Voting) Student ID#’s used as passwords Students will receive an email with voting instructions |
09/30/22 | Ballot Count (via the Election Platform) |
10/04/22 | Run Off or Ratification of results by the Select Interim Committee |
10/05/22 | Presentation of results to the SCCD Governing Board |
Important Dates for Fall Elections
If you are interested in running please declare your candidacy by April 14th, 2021. You can download a candidate application beginning March 22, 2021. ASSC Declaration of Candidacy Packet.
All activities will take place via Zoom. Meeting ID numbers will be shared with ALL ENROLLED STUDENTS.
It is the responsibility of the candidates to attend all mandatory meetings and assemblies.
Dates and times are subject to change by the to the ASSC Elections Committee
Any questions are to be directed to
Interested in running for an ASSC Elected position? The candidacy packet is accessible in the button below. Please read the packet carefully. If you have any questions, please contact any of our ASSC members at or visit our Student Development Office in room 1425.
Your Student Government Needs You!
The following positions are available for elections:
President and Vice-President – They run as members of a ticket; The President presides over Student Senate meetings; meets regularly with the Superintendent/President, proposes the ASSC Budget, etc. The Vice-President assists with these duties and also chairs the ICC (Inter-Club Council).
Student Trustee – (A paid position) The Trustee is an employee of the District and acts as the “advisory” vote of the students as a member of the Governing Board.
Legislative Advocate – Represents the College at national, state-wide and regional student meetings; serves as the Chairperson of the Political Activities Committee; reports to the ASSC on federal and state legislative affairs affecting students and the college.
The Associated Students of Solano College (ASSC) is the official government of the student body of Solano Community College. The ASSC supports student led initiatives across campus. The ASSC also acts as the voice of the students, representing them on campus committees and at regional and statewide meetings of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
If you are interested in serving, or just want more information about your student government, please plan to attend the meetings which will be held on Tuesdays from 12:30 – 2:00 pm in Room 1421 of the Fairfield Campus.
Announce ASSC Spring Elections | TBD |
Candidacy Filing Period Begins | TBD |
Candidacy Filing Deadline | TBD |
Candidates Approval Meeting (PE)- | TBD |
Ballot Approval at ASSC Meeting | TBD |
Mandatory Candidates Meeting | TBD |
Campaign Week Begins | TBD |
Mandatory Candidates Assembly | TBD |
Voting Week | TBD |
Run-off Elections (if necessary)* | TBD |
Ballot Counting | TBD |
ASSC Election Certification | TBD |
ASSC Presentation of results to Governing board | TBD |
* In the case of Run-off Elections, the day for counting ballots will take place on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
* In the case without Run-Off Elections, the day for counting ballots will take place on Friday, May 12, 2023
Important Dates for Fall Elections
09/02/22 – 09/12/22 | Declaration of Candidacy Period |
09/12/22 | Last day to Declare Candidacy Candidate Document Submission Deadline |
09/14/22 9:00am | Select Interim Committee Approval of Candidates Create and approve election ballots |
09/14/22 3:30pm | Mandatory Pre-Election Candidates Meeting (All Candidates) via zoom ID# 321 536 4386 Candidates may create campaign statements/flyers to be posted on SCC website/Canvas All content must be approved by the ASSC Advisor |
09/20/22 | First Mandatory Candidates Assembly via Zoom from 9-11 AM ID# 321 536 4386 |
09/21/22 | Second Mandatory Candidates Assembly via Zoom from 11 AM-1 PM ID# 321 536 4386 |
09/26/22 – 09/29/22 | Election Week (Voting) Student ID#’s used as passwords Students will receive an email with voting instructions |
09/30/22 | Ballot Count (via the Election Platform) |
10/04/22 | Run Off or Ratification of results by the Select Interim Committee |
10/05/22 | Presentation of results to the SCCD Governing Board |
Important Dates for Fall Elections
If you are interested in running please declare your candidacy by April 14th, 2021. You can download a candidate application beginning March 22, 2021. ASSC Declaration of Candidacy Packet.
All activities will take place via Zoom. Meeting ID numbers will be shared with ALL ENROLLED STUDENTS.
It is the responsibility of the candidates to attend all mandatory meetings and assemblies.
Dates and times are subject to change by the to the ASSC Elections Committee
Any questions are to be directed to